Challenges with contactless identification implementations and applications?
We offer our expertise and advise as a trusted technology partner to jointly find the correct solution.

Changing requirements for your contactless identification solution?
Our products are flexible by design and provide In-Field configuration and update features to change the functionality of our products when you require it.

Interfacing with existing contactless access card populations?
Our products provide highly flexible read, data and output engines to create the required interface between the card population and your system.

Interfacing with mixed contactless access card populations?
Our products provide the capability of concurrently interfacing up to 5 different card populations. Each card population may consist of a different supported technology with its own security, read and data manipulation requirements.

Transitioning from one contactless technology to another?
Our multi card population capabilities provide a smooth transitioning path. No need for complex and time consuming card exchange procedures. We offer transitioning within ISO14443 technologies for instance from MIFARE® Classic to MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 and between Proximity and ISO14443 technologies. Allowing to combine, enable and disable card technologies when you are ready for it.

Single or multiple contactless technologies?
Our ISO14443 products provide support for:
ISO14443-3A: MIFARE® Classic , MIFARE Ultralight® and MIFARE Plus® level 1.
ISO14443-4A: MIFARE® DESFire® 0.6 & EV1, SmartMX and MIFARE Plus® level 2 & 3.
ISO14443-4B: Infineon, Atmel and ST microelectronics.
NFC: peer-to-peer, Bluetooth Low Energy

Our MultiSmart products additionally adds LF proximity support for example:
EM4102, Hitag and credentials programmed for HID® and AWID® LF Proximity

PIN code requirements?
We offer PIN code on all supported products providing a 3 by 4 telephone style keypad with back light for installation and use in low-light environments.

Additional security requirements?
Secure boot loader: Firmware updates, parameters and security key uploads are accomplished via our AES encrypted boot loader only.
Key diversification: on all supported technologies. Key store: AES encrypted key storage security keys.

MIFARE®, MIFARE® DESFire®, SmartMX and Hitag are trademarks of NXP Semiconductors. HID is a registered trademark of HID Global Corporation, AWID is a registered trademark of Applied Wireless Identifications Group Inc. All other referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.